토니 페르난데스(Tan Sri Dr Tony Fernandes)는 엡솜을 거쳐(Holman House, 1977-1983), 런던정경대를 졸업하고, 타임워너사를 거쳐 말레이시아에서 에어아시아를 아시아 최대의 저가 항공사로 성장시킨 주목받는 CEO입니다.
그는 2001년 파산 위기에 처했던 에어아시아가 지고 있던 약 100억원의 빚을 떠안는 조건으로 단돈 1링깃(한화 약 300원)에 경영권을 획득하고, 보잉 737 여객기 두 대가 전부였던 에어아시아를 10년 만에 아시아 최대 저가항공사로 성장시켰습니다. 2010년 <포브스> 선정 아시아 최고 기업인, 2105년 <타임>지가 선정한 세계에서 가장 영향력 있는 100인에 이름을 올렸습니다.
또한 그는 박지성 선수가 몸담았던 영국 프로축구 구단 퀸즈파크 레인져스와 포뮬러 원 레이싱팀 소유주입니다.
토니회장은 엡솜 컬리지에서 많은 것을 배워 지금의 사상과 신념을 갖게 되었다고 굳게 믿으며, 이러한 본인의 모습이 하나의 '모델'로써 말레이시아에 전해지기를 간절히 바라고 있습니다
그는 엡솜컬리지 말레이시아를 노벨상 수상자가 나올 수 있는 창의력을 가진 학생을 키워내는 학교로 만들겠다는 강한 신념을 가지고 있습니다.
토니회장은 엡솜컬리지 말레이시아를 통해 아시아지역의 학생들에게도 가까이서 가장 뛰어난 영국식 교육을 접할 수 있게 됨을 항상 강조하고 있습니다.
"그가 말레이시아에 세운 엡솜 칼리지 말레이시아 개교 당시 "언제쯤 아시아 최고에 올라설 것 같은가"라는 질문에 “굉장히 한국적인 질문"이라며 다음과 같이 답했다.
"목표를 정해놓고 무조건 압박하는…. 그런 한국식으로 생각하면 안된다. 앱솜 칼리지 개교 자체가 하나의 도전이다. 최고가 되기까지 시간이 얼마나 걸릴 지는 알 수 없다. 하지만 반드시 그렇게 만들 거다. 아시아 학교의 진짜 저력이 뭔지 꼭 보여주고 싶다....
<2014년 중앙일보 인터뷰 중>
James A (Jay) Piggot is the 13th Headmaster of Epsom College following the retirement of Stephen Borthwick in 2012. He joined Epsom from Campbell College in Belfast, where he was Headmaster for six years. Jay studied for a BA in English Literature at Cardiff University before completing a Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) at Pembroke College, Cambridge. A keen rugby player and latterly supporter, he played rugby for the University 1st XV during his time at Cambridge.
He went on to complete an MA in Renaissance Literature at the University of Liverpool, before becoming a specialist English teacher, initially at Millfield School in Somerset and then at Eton College, where he spent seven years as a Housemaster.
Dr Alastair Wells MB BS DRCOG MRCGP was educated at Epsom College from 1973-1978 and went on to read medicine at the Royal Free Hospital, graduating in 1983.
He has worked as a GP in Merstham, Surrey, since 1987 in a 5-partner practice. He was PEC Chair for East Surrey PCT from 2002-2006 and is now working as a part time Medical Adviser to First Community, a Social Enterprise company providing Community Services in East Surrey. He is a Tutor of 5th year Medical students at the Brighton and Sussex Medical School.
Alastair has been a Governor of Epsom College since 2004 and Vice Chairman since 2009 and has been Chairman of the Royal Medical Foundation of Epsom College since 2013. He is a Past President of the Old Epsomian Club and was Honorary Secretary of the Old Epsomian Golf Society for 21 years.
Alastair is married to Rose who is a Consultant Physician in Palliative Care in Brighton and they have 2 daughters Stephanie also a Doctor- who in August 2016 gave Alastair his first grandchild William ( known as Billy)- and Eleanor who works in Marketing.
He is the current chairman of Governors of ECUK, succeeding Dr Vallace-Owen in 2016.
Andrew Vallance-Owen was educated at Epsom College in Surrey; he qualified in medicine at the University of Birmingham Medical School later training in surgery at the Newcastle teaching hospitals and Melbourne, Australia.
He joined the staff of the British Medical Association in 1982, becoming Scottish Secretary in 1985. He moved to London in 1989 to head the BMA Council secretariat and international affairs, later also leading policy development.
He was asked to become Medical Director of the hospitals division of BUPA in 1994 and became Global Medical Director of the Bupa Group in 1995. Within BUPA, he is accountable for the safety and standards of care of Bupa's customers wherever they are, for the production and distribution of health advice and information, and for assessing/promoting new health-related technologies within the company. He builds and promotes Bupa's healthcare credentials in the company's markets and developing markets around the world.
Andrew is 60, married with three children.
Andrew is an Old Epsomian (OE) (Crawfurd House 1964-1969), a founder of the OE Hockey Club which ran in the 1970s and a Past President of the Old Epsomian Club.
Until his retirement in March 2016 Andrew was a leading specialist as a not for profit audit and advisory partner, and advised a number of independent schools, large national charities and membership organisations. Post retirement he continues to lecture and advise within this sector.
Andrew was the longest serving Chief Executive of UK Chartered Accountants Crowe Clark Whitehill LLP (CCW) until June 2013. Andrew was elected as Chairman of Crowe Horwath International (CHI) for 2013 and 2014.
At the ICAEW (the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England Wales) Andrew has chaired and served on several committees, including for several years a member of the Education and Training Directorate. He is now Chairman of the ICAEW Chartered Accountants’ Trustees Limited.
Andrew is married to Anne, also a chartered accountant. They live in Surrey and have two daughters, one an auditor and the other a tax adviser.
Francis C Minah is an Old Epsomian (Forest ‘84) and Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers. Originally from Sierra Leone, Francis and his family have made Malaysia their home since 1996.
Francis works in the Oil and Gas Industry as a consultant providing technical risk management services. He is currently Managing Director of Prism Technical Advisors, a company he founded in 2014. Previously Francis was on the council of governors for a major international school in Malaysia, where he served on the ICT and Infrastructure subcommittees.
Kian Onn is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales and the Malaysian Institute of Accountants. He co-founded the ECM Libra Group in 2002. He is also the non-executive Chairman of Plato Capital Limited, a company listed on the Stock Exchange of Singapore, a director of AirAsia X Berhad, Kennedy, Burkill & Company Berhad and a trustee of ECM Libra Foundation.
Kian Onn is passionate about education. He co-founded ECM Libra Foundation in 2004 as a charitable organisation with the objective of making education accessible to the underprivileged irrespective of race, religion or creed. He believes that education would be the means to break the poverty cycle and to uplift the quality of life for the underprivileged families.
The Foundation provides financial assistance in the form of grants for building or refurbishment of educational facilities and interest-free study loans. It also awards scholarships and grants sponsorships for teaching programmes, sports, leadership and motivational courses for underprivileged students.
Datin Nancy’s first professional qualification was from the Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK.
In 1990, she obtained a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Oklahoma City University, USA. She obtained a law degree (LLB) from the University of London in 1996. Datin Nancy was admitted as an Advocate and Solicitor of High Court of Malaya in 2000.
Datin Nancy Gan is a corporate and real estate practitioner with experience in the areas of housing development and commercial property sales, tenancies, commercial and corporate banking, trusts and estate planning. She is currently working as Senior Counsel for Shahrizat Rashid & Lee, one of the top 10 law offices in Kuala Lumpur.
Datin Nancy is married to Dato' Tan Hoe Pin and they have 3 children. Their second son, Daryl Tan and youngest daughter, Natalie are both OEs. They acquired their sound foundation in education at ECUK during their boarding years.
Datuk Kamarudin received his Diploma in Actuarial Science from University Technology MARA (UiTM) and was named the 'Best Actuarial Student' by the Life Insurance Institute of Malaysia in 1983. He received a B.Sc. degree with distinction and an MBA from Central Michigan University.
His other key appointments of note are that he co-founded Tune Group and is currently the Non-independent Executive Chairman of AirAsia Berhad. Prior to AirAsia, he served at Arab-Malaysian Merchant Bank. He has been a Non-Independent and Non-Executive Director of Tune Insurance and serves as a Director of Queens Park Rangers.
Kalimullah Hassan, a Malaysian, 60, is an alternate Governor to Datuk Kamarudin bin Meranun. He was a former journalist who served in various local and international news organisations for 26 years until 1995 when he became a businessman.
He served on various Government agencies, including as chairman of the national news agency, Bernama, the National Unity Advisory Panel, the Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) and the National Information Technology Council (NITC). As a businessman, Kalimullah served on the boards of various public listed companies as Chairman and director, including TA Enterprise Berhad, the MBf Group, New Straits Times Press Berhad, of which he was Editor-in-Chief (2004-2005) and deputy chairman until his retirement in 2008, and TSH Ekowood International and FACB.
Kalimullah is currently the non-executive chairman of ECM Libra and also the chairman of ECM Libra Foundation, where he was a co-founder of these two entities. He is also a member of the Board of Governors of his alma mater, the Methodist Boys School (Penang), a director of Singapore-listed UPP Holdings Limited and is a director and major shareholder in the international budget hotel group, Tune Hotels.